

Protected Harmonious Landscape, Category V


Development and Environmental Law Center (DELC)


71 943 Ha

Geographic Location

Province of Mahajanga; Region of Boeny; Districts of Mahajanga II, Mitsinjo, and Marovoay

International label

Key Biodiversity Area, Important Bird Area (IBA)

Flagship Species

The Belemboka-Bombetoka protected area is dominated by the mangrove ecosystem, which develops on about twenty islets as well as on the west and east banks of the bay. Its flora includes typical elements of the dry dense forest, as well as species and habitats of freshwater and mangrove. In terms of fauna, the protected area has global importance for birds.


7 species

2 critically endangered (e.g. Crowned lemur), 1 endangered and 2 vulnerable


111 species

2 endangered and 1 vulnerable


29 species

16 endemic to Madagascar, of which 5 are endangered

Landscapes and habitats

Mangrove, dry dense forest, xerophilous scrub, marshy formations, secondary grasslands and pastures.

Pressures and threats

Deforestation (illegal logging, lime production, charcoal production on mangroves, unsustainable use of mangrove by local communities), and overfishing.

Economic value

The Avicennia marina species has the particularity of sheltering silkworms, which constitute an important source of income for the population.

Initiatives of the populations

A shared governance has been adopted for the sustainable management of the natural resources of the protected area. DELC, as well as a community representative organization, are co-managers of the New Protected Area (NAP). Communities also participate in conservation activities such as patrols and ecological monitoring.

FAPBM contribution

The financial support of the FAPBM to the new protected area of Bombetoka Belemboka began in 2023 as a relay financing of the GEF6 CI project. The granted funding ensures the implementation of conservation activities (patrolling and monitoring, ecological monitoring, etc.), support for communities, and covers part of the salary and operating expenses of the management unit.

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