Annuals Grants

Annual Grants

Providing annual grants to protected areas is FAPBM core business. FAPBM has funded 64 protected areas in 2023.

The grants allocated are primarily intended to assist the manager to have the means to properly manage the PA and to support himself/herself in fulfilling his/her mandate. They cover the activities listed in the manager’s Annual Work Plan (AWP) and cover the following components : biodiversity conservation, manager’s efficiency, local community development and financial sustainability of the protected area.


The criteria

3 main criteria are taken into account in selecting protected areas to be funded.

Protected area ranking in the FAPBM's priority list

The prioritization is essentially based on the protected area's value in terms of biodiversity wealth, on threats and on funding gap.

The potential existence of a earmarking contribution for specific protected areas

The donor can name a list of protected areas that will receive annual grants when making a capital contribution to the Foundation. The contribution is referred to as "earmarked". A contribution in the form of sinking fund could be similarly earmarked.


As FAPBM makes every effort to ensure funding sustainability, the protected areas, which have already received support, will receive annual grants as a priority.

Management tool : PAG & PGES

In addition to these criteria, any protected area selected to be part of the Foundation’s funding cycle through annual grants should be legally created and have the Development and Management Plan (PAG) and Environment Management and Social Safeguard Plan (PGES) as management tools. The manager has to comply with the FAPBM’s various policies and thematic positions.

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