Emergency Grant

The Emergency grant (FIS) is a fund intended to allow any PA manager to address ad hoc, unpredictable and urgent threats that jeopardize the viability of a particular target (a habitat, a species of fauna or flora) or the ecological integrity of the protected area in general.

The fund is primarily used to finance an activity or activities not initially included in the manager’s annual work plan (PTA), but whose implementation is key to address an unforeseen situation (usually a pressure/threat) arising over the year.

These interventions should be ad hoc but could last up to a few months depending on the situation. The interventions expected results are generally in the short term. However, depending on the type of problem the manager is facing, a strategy is often required to support the efforts once the interventions under the FIS are completed and the situation is back to normal.

The interventions urgency and relevance are key criteria to be eligible for this funding. The request to the Foundation must explain the risks incurred in the immediate term if action is not taken in a timely manner, and the potential consequences in the mid and long term regarding the biodiversity and AP integrity. In addition, the request must justify the legitimacy of the proposed activities so that the situation does not get worse and out of control. Carrying out these activities will thus make it possible to control pressures and restore order in the management of the protected area.

An example of Emergency grant:

FAPBM has granted an Emergency Grant to secure the Nosivolo protected area associations.

This protected area, managed by the Groups of Multidisciplinary Study on the Environment and Health- Cercle d’Etude Multidisciplinaire sur l’Environnement et la Santé (CEMES), is the victim of gold panning and illegal fishing, threatening its core area. Those in charge on the spot are also under various threats. The funds granted by the Foundation will allow to: organize and implement the mission in charge of controlling and putting on a sound footing the joint control brigade; implement environmental education activities about the legislation governing the PA and natural resources, as well as the hard cores’ role and ecosystem services; revitalize and operationalize the village control and management committee.

The Emergency Grant is one of the three types of funding allocated by FAPBM intended to enable a protected area to face a specific threat that endangers its ecological integrity.

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