Annual grants

The grants allocated are primarily intended to assist the manager to have the means to properly manage the PA and to support himself/herself in fulfilling his/her mandate. The grants allocated are primarily intended to assist the manager to have the means to properly manage the PA and to support himself/herself in fulfilling his/her mandate. It covers activities related to : biodiversity conservation, manager’s efficiency, local community development and financial sustainability of the protected area.

In order to be entitled to this fund, the PA shall meet the following criteria:

  • The Logical Framework

The activities funded by FAPBM are those already identified in the Development and Management Plan (PAG) and the Environmental Management and Social Safeguard Plan (PGESS). These two documents are the framework for FAPBM’s interventions. Since the Foundation’s funds are not sufficient to ensure the implementation of all these activities, the Foundation adopts the… Read more

  • The Technical and Financial Standards

In order to standardize and harmonize the files to be processed and to facilitate the monitoring of the grant impact, the Foundation has chosen to set up standards tools based on this Logical Framework. These include notably the “technical and financial standards” providing the technical implementation details and associated costs to be submitted to the Foundation funding.

  • The annual budgeted work plan

Based on these documents and following a pre-established template, the Protected Area Manager provides an annual… Read more

Procedures for accessing the Fund:

  • Diligence Mission

Before being definitely shortlisted among the granted sites, a Due Diligence mission is carried out by the Fundation’s team in the site concerned. This assessment stage is to check on site the management structure existence along with all its available resources and to measure any potential risk related to the protected area funding. These visits are also used to review on site the protected area global contexts (wealth, potentialities, its characters, etc.)

  • Finalization

After going through all documents and following numerous discussions with the manager to determine the activities to be retained for the year under review, the Foundation determines the annual grant amount, which is then subject to a funding agreement. Funding is disbursed on a quarterly basis subject to the submission of a satisfactory technical and financial report for the previous quarter. In addition, audit missions are carried out regularly to check compliances with the procedures and agreement clauses.

The Emergency Fund (FIS)

The Emergency Fund (FIS) is a fund intended to allow any PA manager to address ad hoc, unpredictable and urgent threats that jeopardize the viability of a particular target (a habitat, a species of fauna or flora) or the ecological integrity of the protected area in general.

In order to be entitled to this fund, the PA shall meet the following criteria:

  • Be a legally created protected area, with a protection order, even temporary;
  • Have the Development and Management Plan (PAG) and the Environmental Management and Social Safeguard Plan (PGESS) management tools;
  • Have an annual work plan with budget;
  • Justify the emergency and relevance of the activity whose funding is requested to the Foundation.

Procedures for accessing the Fund:

1- The person in charge of the protected area will send an application to the Foundation Executive Director according to a standard written form, providing details on the nature of the activities to be carried out. The file should… Read more

2- The Executive Management will go through the request and conduct a Due Diligence investigation to get to know the applicant better and identify the risks associated with a possible funding grant from the Foundation;

3- The Executive Management will check on that the manager is in line with the Foundation’s environmental and social safeguard policy and gender policy;

4- The Executive Management will express his views and submit the file to the Financing Committee for decision;

5- Upon the request approval, the Executive Management will draft a Funding Agreement.

The Support Fund for New Protected Areas Strengthening (FAR-NAP)

The Support Fund for Strengthening New Protected Areas (FAR-NAP) was set up by the FAPBM to support NPAs in acquiring additional knowledge on the status, resources, evolution and/or change in management contexts in order to better guide their response strategies.

In order to be entitled to this Fund, the NPA shall meet the following criteria :

  • Be a legally created protected area, with a protection order, even a temporary one;
  • Have the Development and Management Plan (PAG) and the Environmental Management and Social Safeguard Plan (PGESS) management tools;
  • Have an annual work plan with budget;
  • Justify the relevance of the activity whose funding is requested from the Foundation;
  • Justify the additional added value in carrying out the requested activities;
  • Justify the positive impact of carrying out the activity in order to strengthen the protected area management.

Procedures for accessing the Fund

1- The person in charge of the protected area will send a request to the Executive Director of FAPBM according to a standard written form, providing details on the nature of the activities to be carried out. The file should address the following… Read more

2- The Executive Management will go through the request and conduct a Due Diligence investigation to get to know the applicant better and identify the risks associated with a possible funding grant from the Foundation;

3- The Executive Management will check on that the manager comply with the Foundation’s environmental and social safeguard policy and gender policy;

4- The Executive Management will provide his recommendation and submit the file to the Financing Committee for decision;

5- Upon request approval, the Executive Management will prepare a Funding Agreement;

6- The person in charge of the protected area will be able to pre-finance the expenditure from his own funds, once the Foundation’s approval has been granted.

Proud to be a member of :

The activities funded by FAPBM are those already identified in the Development and Management Plan (PAG) and the Environmental Management and Social Safeguard Plan (PGESS). These two documents are the framework for FAPBM's interventions. Since the Foundation's funds are not sufficient to ensure the implementation of all these activities, the Foundation adopts the co-financing principle. On the basis of its Strategic Plan, the Foundation has a Logical Framework, which defines the priority activities for its funding. This Logical Framework is built around four main action lines, namely:

In order to standardize and harmonize the files to be processed and to facilitate the monitoring of the grant impact, the Foundation has chosen to set up standards tools based on this Logical Framework. These include notably the “technical and financial standards” providing the technical implementation details and associated costs to be submitted to the Foundation funding. Based on these documents and following a pre-established template, the Protected Area Manager provides an annual budgeted work plan. The amounts of the manager's total needs and the funding requested from FAPBM are mentioned in, as well as other donors’ contributions and the funding gap.

1- The person in charge of the protected area will send an application to the Foundation Executive Director according to a standard written form, providing details on the nature of the activities to be carried out. The file should address the following points :

1- The person in charge of the protected area will send a request to the Executive Director of FAPBM according to a standard written form, providing details on the nature of the activities to be carried out. The file should address the following points, without being exhaustive: